Five Reasons to Use AI in Litigation
ArticlesAI is undoubtedly on the rise. As the use of AI in litigation becomes increasingly the norm, there is no denying the numerous benefits it brings with it.
From enhanced case prediction to increased efficiency, more lawyers are turning to AI tools for their disputes.We investigate the top five reasons for the adoption of AI in litigation below.
5 reasons for the adoption of AI in litigation
1. Automation
The ability to repeat high-volume labour using less time, money and resources is the goal of most legal teams. Automating processes, based on the repeatability of that task, is what makes AI so compelling to use in a legal framework.Using AI gives lawyers the ability to recognise patterns in large datasets ahead of a document review exercise. Machine learning tools can find similar types of documents, or contextually similar documents and feed lawyers what the machine deems as more relevant to the investigation or proceedings.To the same effect, the machine can de-prioritise documents deemed as less relevant. This leaves lawyers with more time to dedicate to highly skilled tasks, such as legal analysis and strategic planning.
2. Accurate prediction
AI has also opened the door to using statistical analysis to predict likelihoods of success in a given piece of litigation.For example, data-driven knowledge can provide evidence-based probabilities for certain outcomes or costs, based on, for example, how frequently your assigned judge grants summary judgments, or how much on average is spent on litigation in matters of similar size and nature of the dispute.These previously unknowns, opined with some guesswork by experienced lawyers, can provide more certainty with the use of AI.
3. Access to information
There has been no time in history where lawyers could access vital information quicker than they can today.Whether it be understanding their client’s key documents, sourcing relevant pieces of legal research or contract clause analysis, AI-powered tools can get legal teams the information they need without the burden of high labour costs at a fraction of the time it would take for a human to conduct the same tasks.
4. Reduced stress and workload for lawyers
Modern lawyers no longer leave their work at the office. Their work is now able to be conducted wherever there’s a stable internet connection, and the work stress and pressure that comes with this ever-present “online” culture is a huge challenge to the legal industry.However, certain automated workflows have been said to improve work satisfaction by supporting processes with repeatable, low-level tasks.Even basic technological functionality on eDiscovery and trial software platforms such as deduplication and/or batch tagging are simple solutions to saving a lawyer’s time by looking at duplicate or near-duplicate documents.This type of task would once upon a time require a lawyer’s review of each version separately, and was, understandably, subject to considerable levels of human error.
5. Inevitability of AI
The use of AI is quickly becoming inevitable. Clients are not only starting to opt to use certain smart tools to automate certain processes in their own businesses, but they’re seeking to understand how the legal team they’re engaging with are testing, understanding and using different technologies to better their services and ultimately reduce billable time.Subsequently, the choice for lawyers to engage with the use of AI is dwindling rapidly, and arguably it’s only a matter of time before the use of AI will be necessary, or mandated, to comply with court guidelines.
Discover more about AI in litigation
AI tools such as TrialView can enhance collaboration, compliance, and the overall strategic approach to legal proceedings and litigation, allowing you to work with enhanced speed and efficiency for every aspect of your case.If you’d like to learn more about the use of AI in litigation and find out how tools such as TrialView can help you work smarter, not harder, you can book a tailored demo to find out more about the benefits for yourself.Alternatively, contact our team for further information.
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