Confidentiality Rings: The Tech Behind the Privacy

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Jan 24, 2025

Confidentiality Rings are increasingly common in competition damages cases in the English jurisdiction, permitting parties in litigation to exchange confidential information in a safe space, with limited visibility to others.As litigation becomes increasingly digitised, the management of confidential data inexorably needs to be managed in a digital form.TrialView’s software is specifically designed to facilitate compliance with Confidentiality Orders or Undertakings, whilst providing access to all registered users in a single, combined workspace.

How does this work?

  • Sensitive information is only visible to parties within an inner ring (or multiple rings);
  • Permission settings on TrialView allocates users into teams and specific roles, with each role aligned to a level of privilege;
  • Special controls mean a user only gets access to the version of the document they are entitled to see;
  • Evidence presentation is designed so that different users can see different versions of the same document at the same time;
  • Version control facilitates consistency of pagination, structure and tabbing;
  • Watermarking ensures exports and bundles contain the correction confidentiality designation.

If you have an upcoming competition case, our consultants are happy to talk you through the process, from compliance to the tech.

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